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R6 Class representing storage exports resource endpoints.

Super class

sevenbridges2::Resource -> Exports

Public fields


List of URL endpoints for this resource.


Method new()

Create a new Exports object.





Other response arguments.

Method query()

This call lists export jobs initiated by a particular user. Note that when you export a file from a project on the Platform into a volume, you write to your cloud storage bucket.


  volume = NULL,
  state = NULL,
  limit = getOption("sevenbridges2")$limit,
  offset = getOption("sevenbridges2")$offset,



Volume id or Volume object. List all exports into this particular volume. Optional.


The state of the export job. Possible values are:

  • PENDING: the export is queued;

  • RUNNING: the export is running;

  • COMPLETED: the export has completed successfully;

  • FAILED: the export has failed.


state = c("RUNNING", "FAILED")


The maximum number of collection items to return for a single request. Minimum value is 1. The maximum value is 100 and the default value is 50. This is a pagination-specific attribute.


The zero-based starting index in the entire collection of the first item to return. The default value is 0. This is a pagination-specific attribute.


Other arguments that can be passed to core api() function like 'fields', etc.


Collection of Export objects.


 exports_object <- Exports$new(
   auth = auth

 # List all your running or failed export jobs on the volume
 exports_object$query(volume = volume, state = c("RUNNING", "FAILED"))

Method get()

This call will return the details of an export job.


Exports$get(id, ...)



The export job identifier (id).


Other arguments that can be passed to core api() function like 'fields', etc.


Export object.


 exports_object <- Exports$new(
   auth = auth

 # Get export job by ID
 exports_object$get(id = id)

Method submit_export()

This call lets you queue a job to export a file from a project on the Platform into a volume. The file selected for export must not be a public file or an alias. Aliases are objects stored in your cloud storage bucket which have been made available on the Platform. The volume you are exporting to must be configured for read-write access. To do this, set the access_mode parameter to RW when creating or modifying a volume.

Essentially, the call writes to your cloud storage bucket via the volume. If this call is successful, the original project file will become an alias to the newly exported object on the volume. The source file will be deleted from the Platform and, if no more copies of this file exist, it will no longer count towards your total storage price on the Platform.
In summary, once you export a file from the Platform to a volume, it is no longer part of the storage on the Platform and cannot be exported again.

Read more about this operation in our documentation here.

If you want to export multiple files, the recommended way is to do it in bulk considering the API rate limit (learn more). Bulk operations will be implemented in next releases.


  overwrite = FALSE,
  copy_only = FALSE,
  properties = NULL,



File id or File object you want to export to the volume.


Volume id or Volume object you want to export files into.


Volume-specific location to which the file will be exported. This location should be recognizable to the underlying cloud service as a valid key or path to a new file. Please note that if this volume has been configured with a prefix parameter, the value of prefix will be prepended to location before attempting to create the file on the volume.

If you would like to export the file into a folder on the volume, please add the folder name as a prefix before the file name in the form <folder-name>/<file-name>.


Set to TRUE if you want to overwrite the item if another one with the same name already exists at the destination.


If TRUE, file will be copied to a volume but source file will remain on the Platform.


Named list of additional volume properties, like:

  • sse_algorithm - S3 server-side encryption to use when exporting to this bucket. Supported values: AES256 (SSE-S3 encryption), aws:kms, null (no server-side encryption). Default: AES256.

  • sse_aws_kms_key_Id: Applies to type: s3. If AWS KMS encryption is used, this should be set to the required KMS key. If not set and aws:kms is set as sse_algorithm, default KMS key is used.

  • aws_canned_acl: S3 canned ACL to apply on the object on during export. Supported values: any one of S3 canned ACLs; null (do not apply canned ACLs). Default: null.


Other arguments that can be passed to core api() function like 'fields', etc.


Export object.


 exports_object <- Exports$new(
   auth = auth

 # Submit export job
 exp_job1 <- exports_object$submit_export(
                          source_file = test_file,
                          destination_volume = vol1,
                          destination_location = "new_volume_file.txt"

Method delete()

Export jobs cannot be deleted.



Method bulk_get()

This call returns the details of a bulk export job. When you export files from a project on the Platform into a volume, you write to your cloud storage bucket. This call obtains the details of that job.





The list of the export job IDs as returned by the call to start a bulk export job or list of Export objects.


Collection with list of Export objects.


 exports_object <- Exports$new(
                    auth = auth,

 # List export jobs
  exports = list("export-job-id-1", "export-job-id-2")

Method bulk_submit_export()

Bulk export files from your project on the Seven Bridges Platform into your volume. One call can contain up to 100 items. Files selected for export must not be public files or aliases. Aliases are objects stored in your cloud storage bucket which have been made available on the Platform. The volume you are exporting to must be configured for read-write access. To do this, set the access_mode parameter to RW when creating or modifying a volume.

Essentially, the call writes to your cloud storage bucket via the volume. If this call is successful, the original project files will become aliases to the newly exported objects on the volume. Source files will be deleted from the Platform and, if no more copies of the files exist, they will no longer count towards your total storage price on the Platform. In summary, once you export files from the Platform to a volume, they are no longer part of the storage on the Platform and cannot be exported again.

Learn more about using the Volumes API for Amazon S3 and for Google Cloud Storage.


Exports$bulk_submit_export(items, copy_only = FALSE)



Nested list of elements containing information about each file to be exported. For each element, users must provide:

  • source_file - File ID or File object you want to export to the volume,

  • destination_volume - Volume ID or Volume object you want to export files into.

  • destination_location - Volume-specific location to which the file will be exported. This location should be recognizable to the underlying cloud service as a valid key or path to a new file. Please note that if this volume has been configured with a prefix parameter, the value of prefix will be prepended to the location before attempting to create the file on the volume.
    If you would like to export the file into a folder on the volume, please add folder name as a prefix before the file name in the <folder-name>/<file-name> form.

  • overwrite - Set to TRUE if you want to overwrite the item with the same name if it already exists at the destination.

  • properties - Named list of additional volume properties, like:

    • sse_algorithm - S3 server-side encryption to use when exporting to this bucket. Supported values: AES256 (SSE-S3 encryption), aws:kms, null (no server-side encryption). Default: AES256.

    • sse_aws_kms_key_Id: Applies to type: s3. If AWS KMS encryption is used, this should be set to the required KMS key. If not set and aws:kms is set as sse_algorithm, default KMS key is used.

    • aws_canned_acl: S3 canned ACL to apply on the object during export. Supported values: any one of S3 canned ACLs; null (do not apply canned ACLs). Default: null.

Example of the list:

items <- list(
            source_file = "test_file-id",
            destination_volume = "volume-id",
            destination_location = "new_volume_file.txt"
            source_file = "test_file_obj",
            destination_volume = "test_volume_obj",
            destination_location = "/volume_folder/exported_file.txt",
            overwrite = TRUE
            source_file = "project_file_3_id",
            destination_volume = "volume-id",
            destination_location = "project_file_3.txt",
            properties = list(
              sse_algorithm = "AES256"

Read more on how to export files from your project to a volume or a volume folder.

Utility function prepare_items_for_bulk_export can help you prepare the items parameter for the bulk_submit_export() method.


If set to true, the files will be copied to a volume but the source files will remain on the Platform.


Collection with list of Export objects.


 exports_object <- Exports$new(
                    auth = auth

 # Submit new bulk export into a volume
 exports_object$bulk_submit_export(items = list(
     source_file = "test_file-id",
     destination_volume = "volume-id",
     destination_location = "new_volume_file.txt"
     source_file = test_file_obj,
     destination_volume = test_volume_obj,
     destination_location = "/volume_folder/exported_file.txt",
     overwrite = TRUE
     source_file = "project_file_3_id",
     destination_volume = "volume-id",
     destination_location = "project_file_3.txt",
     properties = list(
      sse_algorithm = "AES256"
  ), copy_only = TRUE

Method clone()

The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.


Exports$clone(deep = FALSE)



Whether to make a deep clone.


## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `Exports$query`
## ------------------------------------------------

if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
 exports_object <- Exports$new(
   auth = auth

 # List all your running or failed export jobs on the volume
 exports_object$query(volume = volume, state = c("RUNNING", "FAILED"))
} # }

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `Exports$get`
## ------------------------------------------------

if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
 exports_object <- Exports$new(
   auth = auth

 # Get export job by ID
 exports_object$get(id = id)
} # }

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `Exports$submit_export`
## ------------------------------------------------

if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
 exports_object <- Exports$new(
   auth = auth

 # Submit export job
 exp_job1 <- exports_object$submit_export(
                          source_file = test_file,
                          destination_volume = vol1,
                          destination_location = "new_volume_file.txt"
} # }

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `Exports$bulk_get`
## ------------------------------------------------

if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
 exports_object <- Exports$new(
                    auth = auth,

 # List export jobs
  exports = list("export-job-id-1", "export-job-id-2")
} # }

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `Exports$bulk_submit_export`
## ------------------------------------------------

if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
 exports_object <- Exports$new(
                    auth = auth

 # Submit new bulk export into a volume
 exports_object$bulk_submit_export(items = list(
     source_file = "test_file-id",
     destination_volume = "volume-id",
     destination_location = "new_volume_file.txt"
     source_file = test_file_obj,
     destination_volume = test_volume_obj,
     destination_location = "/volume_folder/exported_file.txt",
     overwrite = TRUE
     source_file = "project_file_3_id",
     destination_volume = "volume-id",
     destination_location = "project_file_3.txt",
     properties = list(
      sse_algorithm = "AES256"
  ), copy_only = TRUE
} # }