An efficient way to access JSON file, no need to convert a JSON into a Tool or Flow object before access, directly operate on a list parsed from JSON file. Compare to convert_app, it is much faster.

  new.order = c("id", "label", "type", "required", "prefix", "fileTypes"),
  required = NULL

output_matrix(from, new.order = c("id", "label", "type", "fileTypes"))



JSON file path


a vector of column orders by default for input it's "id", "label", "type", "required", "prefix", "fileTypes"; For output it's "id", "label", "type", "fileTypes"


logical value, show requried input node only or not.


A data frame of input/output information.

Examples <- system.file("extdata/app", "tool_unpack_fastq.json", package = "sevenbridges") <- system.file("extdata/app", "flow_star.json", package = "sevenbridges") input_matrix(
#> id label type required prefix #> 1 #input_archive_file Input archive file File TRUE --input_archive_file #> fileTypes #> 1 TAR, TAR.GZ, TGZ, TAR.BZ2, TBZ2, GZ, BZ2, ZIP
input_matrix(, required = TRUE)
#> id label type required prefix #> 1 #input_archive_file Input archive file File TRUE --input_archive_file #> fileTypes #> 1 TAR, TAR.GZ, TGZ, TAR.BZ2, TBZ2, GZ, BZ2, ZIP
#> id label type required #> 1 #sjdbGTFfile sjdbGTFfile File... FALSE #> 2 #fastq fastq File... TRUE #> 3 #genomeFastaFiles genomeFastaFiles File TRUE #> 4 #sjdbGTFtagExonParentTranscript Exons' parents name string FALSE #> 5 #sjdbGTFtagExonParentGene Gene name string FALSE #> 6 #winAnchorMultimapNmax Max loci anchors int FALSE #> 7 #winAnchorDistNbins Max bins between anchors int FALSE #> fileTypes #> 1 null #> 2 null #> 3 null #> 4 null #> 5 null #> 6 null #> 7 null
input_matrix(, c("id", "type"))
#> id type #> 1 #sjdbGTFfile File... #> 2 #fastq File... #> 3 #genomeFastaFiles File #> 4 #sjdbGTFtagExonParentTranscript string #> 5 #sjdbGTFtagExonParentGene string #> 6 #winAnchorMultimapNmax int #> 7 #winAnchorDistNbins int
input_matrix(, required = TRUE)
#> id label type required fileTypes #> 2 #fastq fastq File... TRUE null #> 3 #genomeFastaFiles genomeFastaFiles File TRUE null <- system.file("extdata/app", "tool_unpack_fastq.json", package = "sevenbridges") <- system.file("extdata/app", "flow_star.json", package = "sevenbridges") output_matrix(
#> id label type fileTypes #> 1 #output_fastq_files Output FASTQ files File... FASTQ
#> id label type fileTypes #> 1 #unmapped_reads unmapped_reads File... null #> 2 #transcriptome_aligned_reads transcriptome_aligned_reads File null #> 3 #splice_junctions splice_junctions File null #> 4 #reads_per_gene reads_per_gene File null #> 5 #log_files log_files File... null #> 6 #chimeric_junctions chimeric_junctions File null #> 7 #intermediate_genome intermediate_genome File null #> 8 #chimeric_alignments chimeric_alignments File null #> 9 #sorted_bam sorted_bam File null #> 10 #result result File null