Example data frame to be used with in the file_pickers_demo_app.R
Example data frame to be used with in the file_pickers_demo_app.R
## `file_picker_example_data` A data frame with 8 rows and 24 columns:
- name
File name.
- id
File ID.
- extension
File extension.
- size
File size in bytes.
- sample_id
A human readable identifier for a sample or specimen, which can contain some metadata information.
- tags
Platform tags attached to the file.
- origin_task_id
The id of a Platform task that generated a file.
- path
Absolute path to a file.
- parent_id
ID of a parent directory.
- experimental_strategy
The method or protocol used to perform the laboratory analysis.
- library_id
An identifier for the sequencing library preparation.
- platform
The version (manufacturer, model, etc.) of the technology that was used for sequencing or assaying.
- platform_unit_id
An identifier for lanes (Illumina), or for slides (SOLiD) in the case a library was split and ran over multiple lanes on the flow cell or slides. The platform unit ID refers to the lane ID or the slide ID.
- file_segment_number
If the sequencing reads for a single library, sample and lane are divided into multiple (smaller) files, the File segment number is used to enumerate these. Otherwise, this field can be left blank.
- quality_scale
For raw reads, this value denotes the sequencing technology and quality format.For BAM and SAM files, this value should always be ‘Sanger’.
- paired_end
For paired-end sequencing, this value determines the end of the sequenced fragment. For single-end sequencing no value is needed.
- reference_genome
The reference assembly (such as HG19 or GRCh37) to which the nucleotide sequence of a case can be aligned.
- investigation
A value denoting the project or study that generated the data.
- species
A group of organisms having some common characteristic or qualities, that differ from all other groups of organisms and are capable of breeding and producing a fertile offspring.
- batch_number
Assigned distinctive identification code that signifies grouping.
- case_id
A human-readable identifier, such as a number or a string for a subject that has taken part in the investigation or study.
- sample_type
The type of material taken from a biological entity for testing, diagnosis, propagation, treatment, or research purposes. This includes tissues, body fluids, cells, organs, embryos, body excretory products, etc.
- md5_sum
A 32-character hexadecimal number that is computed on a file.
- sbg_public_files_category
SBG Platform public files category.